Many Georgia families eat just as much during Christmas as they do during Thanksgiving —maybe even more, depending your family’s tradition.

That means your kitchen sink and toilet are working overtime—increasing the chance of an annoying clog.

It’s not only an inconvenience, it can also be an awkward moment if you have guests over.

Here are some tips to prevent clogs and what you can do to deal with clogs as well.

Preventing clogged drains

  1. If it can go in the trash, it should
    We could make a huge list of foods and items that shouldn’t go down your kitchen sink or toilet drain. But a useful rule of thumb is, if you can throw it away in your trash can, do it.

  2. Beware of the FOG trio
    If you have an excess of fats, oil, or grease (FOG), you probably don’t want to throw it in the trash can. Use a funnel to pour the FOG trio into glass jars so you can easily dispose of them later.

  3. Hang a simple sign next to your toilets
    When you have guests over, leave an easy-to-see sign that says, “Please throw only toilet paper in the toilet. Thanks.” This will prevent your guests from clogging your toilet’s drain with
    • Facial cleansing pads
    • Cleaning wipes
    • “Flushable” wipes (which aren’t really flushable)
    • Sanitary napkins
    • Cotton balls
  4. Keep water and garbage disposal running when throwing food down the kitchen sink
    The running water and garbage disposal will help your kitchen sink “digest” the food you’re putting in there

  5. Feed food slowly to the kitchen sink
    Related to point 4, even with the water running and disposal unit on, you don’t want to just shove all the food in there at once. Take it slow to prevent a clog forming.

Unclogging drains

  1. Use the right plunger
    There are two types of plungers: cup and flange. Cup plungers are best for sinks, flange for the toilet. Never use the same plunger you use for the toilet as you do the sink for sanitation reasons.

  2. Ready your plumber’s toolbox
    Speaking of plungers, make sure you have the 5 basic plumbing tools every DIY plumber can use.

  3. Don’t use a chemical drain cleaner
    Chemical drain cleaners can not only burn you if you use them improperly, but they can damage your drains as well. If you do use a drain cleaner, make sure it’s environmentally friendly and uses bio-enzymes instead of harsh chemicals

  4. Use natural ingredients
    Here’s a wonderfully volcanic idea. If your kitchen sink is clogged, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda in the sink’s drain and follow it up with 1/2 cup of vinegar. Plug the sink so that the chemical reaction is trapped and loosens the clog. Let the concoction set for 3 hours before following up with hot water to see if the clog is gone.

  5. Call a plumber when you’re in over your head
    Some clogs are just too much for homeowners to handle. In those cases, it’s time to call a plumber to unclog the drain.

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